Patron Internet Policy

Providing access to the Internet is Ayer Library’s response to advances in technology and the changing needs of the community. The Library does not monitor and has no control over the information accessed through the Internet and is not responsible for its content. Restriction of a child’s access to the Internet is the responsibility of the child’s parent or legal guardian.

Public Computer Use Policies

  • A Computer Use Agreement Form must be signed.

  • Patrons must sign in with their library card, driver’s license, or Massachusetts I.D. card. ID is not required for patrons under 16 years.

  • Patrons may not install personal software or alter or attach equipment to the Library’s hardware.

  • Unaccompanied minors must use filtered Internet access.

  • There are computers available for use by minors in the Children’s and Young Adult rooms.

  • Adults may not use children’s computers unless they are accompanied by a child.

  • Users may be accompanied by no more than one other person at a computer station.

  • All changes or exceptions made to these rules are left up to the discretion of the library staff.

  • Different computers have different features. Please ask staff whether the features you need are available.

Strictly Forbidden

  • Violation of computer system security

  • Destruction of, or damage to equipment, software, or data belonging to Ayer Library

  • Unauthorized copying of copyright-protected material

  • Distributing or viewing any pornographic material


Public computer access is available in 30-minute sessions, for a maximum of 2 hours per day. If all computers are in use, the first patron to have been on for at least 30 minutes will be asked to give their seat to the next user. These guidelines allow fair and equal access to the public computer stations at the Library.

Printing and Downloading

Printing is available. Personal storage devices, such as “flash drives” may be used on some computers for storing and saving. Inquire at Main Desk.

Staff Assistance

Library staff can help with startup procedures and reference sources; but Internet, email, or word processing training is not available. Technical assistance will be available as circumstances allow.

Warning! The Library is not responsible for any loss or damage to disks or files when using library equipment. Library computers are in the public domain. Input private information at your own risk. Misuse of the computers (illegal activity) or violation of PATRON INTERNET POLICY will result in loss of computer privileges, library privileges, and may also be subject to prosecution by local, state, or federal authorities.

Approved by the Ayer Library Board of Trustees on June 17, 2014