Current Ayer Library Trustees
Cyndi Lavin - Secretary
Becky Campaner
Robert Gardner, Esq.
Sue Kennedy - Chair
Rebecca Myers
Andrew Wilson - Vice-Chair
Brenda Richard - Treasurer
(Elected. Term expires in 2027.)
Obadiah Brown
(Elected. Term expires in 2026.)
Tory Stephens
(Appointed. Term expires in 2025.)
Ayer Library Board of Trustees
The Ayer Library Board of Trustees is the governing body of the Ayer Library, as established by the Massachusetts State Legislature via the Library’s 1894 Act of Incorporation and its 1991 amendments. Board members are volunteers and the Board operates under a set of By-Laws.
As defined by the Act of Incorporation, there are nine seats on the Board of Trustees. Six of the nine seats are self-perpetuating—those board members do not have to run for re-election. The three remaining seats are filled through Town elections. Elected members serve three-year terms.
Meetings of the Board are open to the public and are governed by the Open Meeting Law. Monthly meetings are usually scheduled for 6PM on the second Thursday of each month. See the Library’s Events page or the Town of Ayer calendar for dates. Agendas and minutes of Board meetings are also available on the Town of Ayer website.
Want to Become a Trustee?
The Ayer Library Board of Trustees invites Ayer residents who are interested in running for future available seats by contacting Director Luke Kirkland at lkirkland@cwmars.org or by calling 978-772-8250 x105.