Updated Library Services Policy
CW MARS library card
As a small community library, we treasure our relationships with patrons and strive to provide the most convenient services possible. We also understand that protecting your privacy is one of our most important responsibilities. Not only is it required by state law—without it we cannot ensure free and open access to information and ideas. To find an appropriate balance, we have updated our Library Services Policy, reinforcing our commitment to patron privacy in the following ways:
All patrons who wish to use their account in person or over the phone will be required to confirm their identity with a library card, library card number, photo ID, or address, phone number, and email address.
Privacy rights are in effect whenever a patron enters the building and whenever a library card is issued, regardless of age. Library staff will not share personal information about a patron without their consent.
For cardholders who may need to provide family members, friends, or colleagues with more regular access to their account, speak with a staff member in person or on the phone to add them as an authorized user.
Cardholders are still responsible for all activity on their card, so patrons should expect staff to ask regularly whether they would like to add or remove authorized users to or from their account.
Parents or guardians who identify minors at the time of account creation may be added as an authorized user by staff at that time. Minors may remove authorized users by request at any time.
Ultimately, we don’t know when you may need to exercise your privacy rights—these changes have been made with your safety and well-being in mind. The full text of our new Library Services Policy can be found on our website for future reference. We encourage you to ask staff any questions you have about these changes. We’re always here to help and look forward to serving you on your next visit.